List Of Top Ten Wheat Producing States of India - Trends 2024

List Of Top Ten Wheat Producing States of India

Agriculture is one of the oldest practice prevailing since the evolution of man.Growing crops is an important part of the ecosystem.Most of the food items depend on wheat and rice.They constitute the most important thing in a human’s life.In the earlier days of civilization, humans used to grow this for themselves only but later they started producing extensively for others also.Among all the crops, wheat has been one of the major crops of India which almost 80% population eat in different forms.Rich fibers and instant carbohydrate release have been one of the major reasons for its maximum use.The crop is more popular in North India and the farming is done in the northern part of India.

Wheat is the most important cereal crop in India.India ranks second in the world in the production of wheat in the year 2013-14.India produces around 100 million tons of wheat every year. The quantity of protein in India is more in the wheat grown in Northern Areas.Let us find out the states of India which have the maximum production of wheat in the country.

Largest Wheat Producing States Of India

The top 10 wheat producing states in India are as follows.The listings below are totally based on the production of wheat in quantity and we are not considering the quality of wheat.We’ll come up with another article to classify the wheat according to the quality.

List of States Producing Maximum Wheat  

  1. Uttar Pradesh
  2. Punjab
  3. Haryana 
  4. Madhya Pradesh
  5. Rajasthan
  6. Bihar 
  7. Gujarat
  8. Maharashtra
  9. Uttarakhand
  10. West Bengal

Uttar Pradesh

More than 34% of the total production of wheat in India is being produced in Uttar Pradesh.Uttar Pradesh has a total cultivated land area of around 168 lakh hectares and out of which wheat is grown in more than 96 lakh hectares of the land.Wheat covers almost all the regions of Uttar Pradesh except Southern Uttar Pradesh.Triticum aestivum is the special kind of wheat which is being grown in India.Meerut, Agra, Muzaffarnagar, Saharanpur, Bulandshahar, Kanpur and Mathura are some of the major wheat producing areas of Uttar Pradesh


Punjab, also known as the land of five rivers, ranks second in terms of the production of wheat across the country in the year 2017.More than 90% of the area under cultivation is covered with wheat. Triticum aestivum and Triticum durum are the two varieties of wheat which are mostly found in Punjab. Ferozepur, Ludhiana, Patiala, and Amritsar are the four top wheat producing districts of Punjab.


One of the smallest state in North India, but stands 3rd in the total production of wheat. A total of 116.30 lakh metric tons wheat is produced in the state.Wheat is the main food crop of Haryana and wheat is grown in the almost 3/4th area of the state.Triticum aestivum species of wheat is mostly grown in Haryana. Rohtak, Gurgaon, Karnal, and Hissar are the districts which are involved in the maximum production of wheat.

Madhya Pradesh

Madhya Pradesh accounts for the total of nearly 9% wheat production in the country. The geography of the state is somewhat like Rajasthan and Haryana, which is quite suitable for the cultivation of wheat.The data says that Madhya Pradesh produces 76.271 lakh metric tons of wheat per year.Sharbati and Durum types of wheat breeds are mainly grown in MP. Sehore, Hoshangabad, Vidisha, Satna, Risen are the main regions where wheat productivity is maximum.


The largest state of India in terms of the geographical area also holds the fifth position in the production of wheat in India.The western region of Rajasthan comprises of Arid Regions which have fewer rainfalls.

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Even after having most of the areas covered with deserts, Rajasthan stands 5th in the overall production of Wheat across the country.Triticum aestivum and Triticum durum are the breeds of Wheat which are mostly grown in Rajasthan.

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Ganganagar, Udaipur, Jaipur, Kota, and Tonk district of Rajasthan are the regions where the production of wheat is maximum.


With 40.976 Lakh Metric Tons of Wheat Production every year, Bihar ranks 6th in the country in terms of production. The temperature conditions and adequate rainfall makes it suitable for the production of so many crops. Rice is also cultivated on a large scale because of the heavy rainfalls in the state. Bihar has less than 50% area covered under wheat farming.Siwan, Nalanda, Bhojpur, and Begusarai districts are the largest producers of wheat in Bihar.


Gujarat accounts for almost 4% of the total production of wheat in the country.A total of 12 lakh hectares of land is cultivated for the production of wheat in the state.Triticum aestivum is the wheat species which is mostly grown in Gujarat. Kheda, Mehsana, Rajkot, and Bhavnagar are the districts which produce the maximum amount of wheat in the state.The type of farming functional is most extensive and the usage of hi-tech methods for farming also helps in improving the production and the quality of wheat.


Maharashtra is one of the largest producers of cotton and sugarcane in the country because of the presence of black soil, but also stands 8th in the list of top 10 largest producers of wheat in the country.The land of Godavari, Krishna and Tapi have enough irrigation facilities to facilitate the production of Wheat. The type of breed grown on a larger scale in Maharashtra is Triticum dicoccum. 


Uttarakhand stands among the top states in the production of horticulture(fruits and vegetable), very few of us might know that it also stands 9th in the production of wheat in the country.The state produces around 8 lakh tons of wheat in a financial year.The total area covered under wheat cultivation is around 3.7 lakh hectare of land. The temperature conditions and rainfall are adequate for almost all types of crops( exceptions prevailing ). The type of farming which is mostly practiced in hills is Terrace Farming because of less availability of plain lands.

West Bengal

The Land of Ganga River has enough water for every crop which requires more water for its cultivation. The production of the wheat is almost same as that of Uttarakhand but the total land under cultivation differs because of the differences in geographical areas. The total area of the states is around 88,752 and the area under cultivation is around 3 lakh hectares.

So, Friends, this is how the production of wheat and its farming is distributed across the country.This was a short informative article on The Major Wheat Producing States of India.We just hope that we provided enough information regarding the topic.We hope to get positive feedback from you guys so that we can improvise to bring better and more information to you.Do share it with your friends.

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