Best Gurpurab Wishes Images Pictures Wallpapers Latest Collection
Guru Nanak Dev Ji was the founder of Sikhism and the first of the Sikh Gurus. His birth is celebrated worldwide as Gurunanak Gurpurab on Kartik Poornima, the full-moon day which falls on different dates each year in the month of Katak, October–November.
Guru Nanak Gurpurab also was known as Guru Nanak’s Prakash Utsav and Guru Nanak Jayanti. Gurpurab is a festival of blessing and it is celebrated by Sikh people to India.The festivities in the Sikh religion revolve around the anniversaries of the 10 Sikh Gurus. These Gurus were responsible for shaping the beliefs of the Sikhs.The Gurpurab has the great history in the Sikh religion and people love to enjoy the festival.
On the day of Gurpurab, people do first thing by visiting Gurudwaras and seek blessing from God’s.
Best Happy Gurpurab 2018 Pictures Collection
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Happy Gurpurab Wishes Images for Whats app DP
Happy Gurpurab Wishes Images Pics Pictures Collection
Gurpurab Wishes in Punjabi
Sabhna jiya ka ek daataa….
so mai visar na jaaee”…
May Guru Nanak Birthday…
Enlighten your heart & mind…
with knowledge & sanctity…
Happy Guru Nanak Jyanti!…
Gurpurab Wishes SMS Quotes 2018
Nanak Nit kahe vichaar,..
Waria na jaava ek waar,…
Jo tu bhave sai bhali kaar,…
Tu sada salamat nirankaar…
Gurpurab Di Lakh Lakh Wadai..!!…..
Happy Gurunanak Jayanti Wishes Quotes
Man Mein Sincho Har Har Naam…
Andar Kirtan,Hor Guun Gaan…
Aisi Preet Karo Man Mere….
Aath Pehar Prab Jano Nehre…
Kaho Nanak Ja Ka Nirmal Bhaag…
Har Charnee Ta Ka Man Laag….
Happy Gurpurab…
Nanak naam jahaaz hai,…
jo chadhe so uttre paar…
Jehda thalle reh gaya,…
Nanak nahi jimme vaar!…
Happy Guru Nanak Jayanti!!….
Happy Gurpurab Wishes Latest Collection 2018
The true one was there from time immemorial….
He is there today and ever there you will find….
He never died nor will He ever die….
Look within, you will see Him there enshrined….
Happy Guru Nanak Jayanti!….
Nanak Naam Chardi Kalaa…
Tere Bhane Sarbat Da Bhala!….
Dhan Dhan Sahib Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji….
De Aagman Purab Di Aap Sub Nu Lakh Lakh Vadhaai Hove!
Nanak Nich Kahe Vichaar….
Waria Na Jaava Ek Waar…
Jo Tud Bhave Sai Bhali Kar…
Tu Sada Salamat Nirankaar!….
Happy Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s Gurpurab!……
Happy Gurunanak Jayanti Messages In Punjabi
Jyo kar suraj nikleya….
Tare chupe haner ploa….
Miti dhund jag chanan hoa….
Kaal taarn guru nanak aiya…..
Gurpurb Dee Lakh Lakh Wadai..!!…
May happiness and blessings surround you as we join togather.
To remember the beloved guru Gobind Singh ji and the…
Beginnings of Sikhism….
Happy Gurpurab…..
Even kings and emperors with heaps….
of wealth and vast dominion cannot…
compare with an ant filled with the love of God…
Guru Nanak Dev….
Happy Gurunanak Jayanti Latest Wishes Messages 2018
On the holy day of Gurpurab,…..
May Guru Nanak fill your heart and life with love,…
compassion and empathy!…
Happy Gurpurab…..
Satguru Nanak Pargateya…
Mitti Dund Jag Chanan Hoya,..
Aap ji nu Sri Guru Nanak Devji….
De Gurpurab dian Lakh-Lakh Vadaiyan…
Happy Gurunanak Jayanti Whats app Status
The birthday of Guru Nanak Sahib falls on Kartik puranmashi i.e. Full moon day of the month Kartik and the day is called Guru Purab!!!!
Happy Guru Purab!!!
Celebrate Gurpurab with your loved ones, friends and family…..
And enjoy Guru Gobind Singh ji’s divine love and blessings
Happy gurpurub!
Vahe Guru ka Aashish sada….
Mile Aisi kamana hai hamari….
Guru ki Krupa se aayegi….
Ghar ghr me khushahali….
Happy Guru Nanak Jayanti !!!!
May this year brings a lot of happiness and much more success with you. Just grab the new collection of the Happy Gurunanak Jayanti Images.Grab this new stuff related to the divine thoughts of the Guru Nanak Dev Ji. And share this Beautiful Guru Nanak Dev Ji Pictures, Gurpurab Messages with friends and family.