Wrinkles are nothing but the creasing on your face with the fine lines. It is a sign of the ageing. These fine lines are not only on the face but also on the cheeks, neck and throat.
When skin loses its elasticity it is termed as wrinkles. Here are ways How To Remove Wrinkles From Face, Neck, Throat Through Home Remedies.
It gives a ugly and disgraceful impact on the others as well as show how older are you. Women who are concerned with their appearance and looks are more prone to use cosmetics for wrinkles which damage their skin. Wrinkles can be caused due to many of the reasons like genetics, stress, improper diet , inadequate sleep and improper skin care.
Excessive sun exposure and pollutants over the skin can also be the reason for the wrinkles. We can prevent this premature wrinkles through home made remedies with natural sources.
How To Remove Wrinkles By Home Remedies
We run in the market to get costly product to hide our wrinkles and fine lines but they are the just temporary product. By doing some tips of home made remedies we can get wrinkled free skin. So, here is a list of the Natural Home remedies to remove wrinkles.

Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Wrinkles
Wash Your Face
Wash your face with fresh and cool water. so that it can removes dirt from your face as well as relax you to feel fresh. Try to wash your face twice times in a day.

Drink Plenty Of Water
Water is not a food to eat but it keeps you hydrated and it is most simple remedies for the wrinkles. Our body made up of 70 percent with water so we cannot ignore it. Drinking plenty of water helps in avoiding wrinkles and gives good health. When skin loss there moisture it gives fine lines as time pass these fine lines will convert in to wrinkles. so, try to drink at least 10 glasses of water in a day. It will also keep you away from the pimples ,acne and skin disease.

Banana are rich in vitamins and minerals that gives nourishment to the skin to grow. It will treat the fine lines and wrinkles in a natural manner.
How to use it
- 2 ripe banana
- 1 tsp of honey
- 1 avocado
- Mash the ripe banana in a bowl to form thick paste.
- Apply this paste on the affected areas and leave for 20 minutes.
- Wash your face with warm water and then apply some moisturizer.
- Mash banana and add honey and avocado in it. Mix the mixture properly.
- Apply this paste on the affected areas.
- leave for 20 minutes and then wash with water .
- Don’t forget to apply moisturizer on it.

Olive Oil Therapy
Olive oil is good for the skin it is rich source of the vitamin A and E with anti oxidants which fight against the wrinkled causing factors.
How to use it
- 2-3 tsp of olive oil
- 1 tsp of honey
- 1 tsp of glycerin
- Massage your affected areas with olive oil or coconut oil or almond oil.
- Mix few drops of the glycerin with honey and olive oil. Apply this mixture on the affected areas and leave for 30 minutes.
- Wash your face with water.

Honey And Aloe Vera
Aloe vera contains malic acid which helps in reducing wrinkles by improving elasticity of your skin.
How to use it
- 2 tsp of aloe vera gel
- Extract the gel from the aloe vera leaf and apply on the affected areas and leave for 20 minutes.
- Wash your face with water.
- Mix almond oil in aloe vera gel. Apply this mixture on the face and wrinkled areas.
- Leave for 30 minutes and wash with water.

Ginger has an anti wrinkled property, it helps in inhibiting the breakdown of elastin.
How to use it
- 1 tbsp of honey
- grated ginger
- Mix grated ginger with honey and eat this mixture every day in the morning.

Lemon Juice
Lemon has an astringent property which helps in reducing the fine lines and wrinkled skin. It also helps in getting rid off from dead cells.
How to use it
- 2 slices of lemon
- 1 tsp of amla powder
- 1 tsp of almond oil
- 2 tsp of curd
- half tsp of honey
- Rub a slice of the lemon on the face for at least 20 minutes, then wash your face with water.
- Mix amla powder with lemon juice and apply on the face.
- Leave for 20 minutes and then wash with water.
- Mix lemon juice with curd, honey and almond oil.
- Apply this mixture on the affected areas and leave for 30 minutes.
- Wash your face with water.

Sandal Wood Powder
Sandalwood powder clear impurities from the face and it has a cooling effect. It also helps in reducing the sign of ageing.
How to use it
- 1 tsp of sandalwood powder
- 2 tsp of rose water
- Mix sandalwood powder with rose water in a bowl.
- Apply this paste on the affected areas and leave for 20 minutes.
- Wash with warm water.
Egg White
Egg is the rich source of the vitamin and minerals. It contains biotin which helps in reducing the sign of ageing that is fine lines and wrinkles.
How to use it
- 2 Egg white
- Whipped egg white in a bowl .
- Massage your face and other affected areas with the egg white.
- Leave for 15 minutes and then wash your face with water.
- By using these remedies you can get wrinkled free skin as well as you can have a sparkling and glowing skin too.
Wrinkles are the sign of aging, these also happens due to excessive smoking or drinking alcohol. Also can be due to sun exposure and tanning. Research also has shown results that wrinkles also happens due to face wash with hot water or with the harsh soaps.
These above written Home Remedies On How To Eliminate Wrinkles will give best results but you should have to take care of your skin also.